Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 2-1

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Akhat Gubaevich Salikhov
Institute of History, Language and Literature of Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Submitted: February 1, 2015
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the activity of the outstanding Bashkir poet Shaykhzada Babich in 1917-1919 and to the research of his creative work in the first decade after the tragic death. During the XX century many scientists and writers referred to the study of the biography and spiritual heritage of the poet. In this publication the author following new published and unpublished historical documents attempts to analyze the researches and measures for perpetuating Shaykhzada Babich’s name, which were carried out in the 20-s of the ХХ century.
Key words and phrases:
Шайхзада Бабич
башкирская литература
национальное движение
история литературы
Гражданская война
советская власть
литературное наследие
Shaykhzada Babich
the Bashkir literature
national movement
history of literature
the Civil War
the soviet power
literary heritage
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  3. Бабич Ш. Сборник стихотворений / сост. Г. Ибрагимова. Казань, 1922. 164 с.
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  9. Национально-государственное устройство Башкортостана (1917-1925 гг.): документы и материалы: в 4-х т. / авт.-сост. Б. Х. Юлдашбаев. Уфа: Китап, 2002.
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  13. Центральный исторический архив Республики Башкортостан. Ф. Р-798. Оп. 1.
  14. Шайхзада Бабич. В помощь учителю / сост., авт. вступ. ст. Г. Х. Абдрафикова (Гарипова); отв. ред. М. Х. Надергулов. Уфа, 2007. 76 с.
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