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Vadim Olegovich Kiselev
Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
March 1, 2015
The article reveals the content of the phenomenon of confidence from the viewpoint of certain conceptions of foreign and Russian researchers. Confidence is considered as a complex social construct, which is a necessary element of the social capital of society. Emphasizing the necessity for the comprehensive studies of the phenomenon, the author concludes on the importance of specifying more accurate criteria for dividing confidence into interpersonal and institutional, and its regular measurement as a fixed variable.
Key words and phrases:
феномен доверия
институциональное и межличностное доверие
социальные и политические институты
социальный капитал
phenomenon of confidence
institutional and interpersonal confidence
social and political institutions
social capital
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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