Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 5-1

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Viktoriya Anatol'evna Khrapova
Volgograd State University

Yaroslavna Mikhailovna Zemtsova
Volgograd State University

Submitted: May 1, 2015
Abstract. In the modern world under the influence of information technology the qualitative transformation of all the spheres of social life takes place, the necessity to search the ways of the optimization of social space, the minimization of social risks and the elimination of crises increases. In the article the authors describe the potential of visual image, which acts as the dominant of modern socio-cultural reality and helps the modern human to build integral harmonious living space developing the creative potential and broadening the margins of his/her consciousness.
Key words and phrases:
визуальная культура
визуальный образ
социокультурное пространство
жизненная стратегия
visual culture
visual image
socio-cultural space
life strategy
the human
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