Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 6-1

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Oleg Evgen'evich Grishin
People’s Friendship University of Russia

Submitted: June 1, 2015
Abstract. The article analyses the specificity of political stability. External and internal factors providing the stability of the political system are examined. The mechanisms of the influence of the subjects of politics (collective and individual) on the stabilization of political sphere are ascertained. Some ways and methods for the progressive innovative development of democratic political system (the prediction of the activity of political actors, lessening of political estrangement, the introduction of innovations into politics, the coordination of the actions of interest groups) are suggested. The author amplifies existing approaches to the study of the problem of political stability in modern Russia.
Key words and phrases:
политическая система
политическая стабильность
политическая сфера
политическая структура
субъекты политики
политическое отчуждение
группы интересов
political system
political stability
political sphere
political structure
subjects of politics
political estrangement
interest groups
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