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Kseniya Aleksandrovna Kukso
Saint Petersburg State University of Technology and Design
June 1, 2015
The article analyzes the institutions of the social recognition of doctors in the classical period of antique history. By the material of the ancient Greek evidence the author identifies the nature of medical participation and its role in the intellectual and everyday practices of classical Greece. Studying social reactions to medical care, the author shows in what forms the Greek community perpetuated the authority of professional medicine, and reveals the importance of understanding the specificity of the collective reception of the doctor’s figure for culture understanding.
Key words and phrases:
античная греческая медицина
статус медика
коллективная рецепция
социальное признание
неоднородная группа врачующих
ancient Greek medicine
doctor’s status
collective reception
social recognition
heterogeneous group of doctors
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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