Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 7-2

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Anatolii Aleksandrovich Verbin
Saint-Petersburg State University of Technology and Design

Submitted: June 10, 2015
Abstract. The article presents a comparative analysis of F. Fukuyama’s statements on the American democracy model as the final stage of humanity development from his famous article “The End of History?”, and also of his assessment of the American political system from the recent article in the journal “Foreign Affairs”. The conclusion is made about the ideologically motivated approach of F. Fukuyama to the object of his research at the moment of the fall of Berlin Wall and the objective one - nowadays.
Key words and phrases:
американская модель демократии
эффективность политической системы США
лоббизм в США
коррупция в США
американское законодательство о коррупции
финансовый кризис 2008 года
American democracy model
efficiency of political system of the USA
lobbying in the USA
corruption in the USA
American legislation on corruption
financial crisis of 2008
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  1. American Democracy // The Economist. 28.11.2014.
  2. Corning P. The Fair Society. L.: The University of Chicago Press, 2011. 223 p.
  3. Ferguson C. Inside Job // The Guardian. 30.05.2011.
  4. Fukuyama F. America in Decay. The Sources of Political Dysfunction // Foreign Affairs. 2014. № 5. Р. 5-26.
  5. Fukuyama F. The End of History? // The National Interest. 1989. № 16. Р. 3-18.
  6. Fukuyama F. The Fall of America, Inc. // Newsweek. 13.10.2008.
  7. McGregor R. A Crying Shame // Financial Times. 10.03.2014.
  8. Sachs J. The Price of Civilization. N. Y.: Random House, 2011. 324 p.
  9. Sandel M. J. What Money Can’t Buy. The Moral Limits of Markets. L.: Penguin, 2012. 244 p.
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