Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 7-2

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Anastasiya Andreevna Palamarchuk
Saint Petersburg State University

Submitted: June 10, 2015
Abstract. The article touches on the backgrounds and initial stage of the formation of The Council of the Marches - one of the specific administrative and juridical institutions of medieval England. The conciliar nature of this institution secured the efficiency of the integration of the territorial and legal autonomies of Anglo-Welsh border in the administrative system of English monarchy of the late Middle Ages. The Council was aimed to affirm the authority of the king as a sovereign, and the decorporation of regalia property was a “gathering” or return of seigneur’s rights and jurisdiction that had been delegated by the crown to the vassals centuries earlier.
Key words and phrases:
Совет марки Уэльса
Эдуард IV
консилиарные институты
регальные владения
композитарная монархия
The Council of the Marches
Edward IV
conciliar institutions
regalia property
composite monarchy
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  12. The History of Cambria Now Called Wales… / by Humphrey Lhoyd, augmented and continued by David Powel. L.: For John Harding, 1584. 394 p.
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