Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 9-1

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Sergei Petrovich Dureev
Siberian State Aerospace University

Natal'ya Sergeevna Dureeva
Siberian Federal University

Submitted: September 1, 2015
Abstract. The article deals with the Eurasian conception of local self-government, which was formed in the period of popular assembly meetings and the activity of Zemstvo Councils. It is ascertained that the realization of the Eurasian conception of local self-government is based on multi-counsel approach. Multi-counsel approach is the power of the best representatives, who enjoy the confidence of the local community. It is proved that multi-counsel approach supports the symphony of the unity of all legal and extra-legal norms that form the pseudo-sphere of the functioning of the local self-government of Eurasian type.
Key words and phrases:
местное самоуправление
сфера жизнеутверждения
нормы права
внеправовые нормы
local self-government
sovereignty of the people
multi-counsel approach
sphere of life affirmation
legal norms
extra-legal norms
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