Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 10-1

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Evgeniya Aleksandrovna Teterina
Penza State University

Lyubov' Aleksandrovna Androsova
Penza State University

Anna Yur'evna Piterova
Penza State University

Submitted: October 1, 2015
Abstract. In the XVII century, as in the preceding period, the settlement of transactions was restricted by a number of conditions and was strictly controlled by the authorities. The authors pay special attention to the legislation of the English government in 1603-1640 in the sphere of fish trade. The originality of the paper involves the study of unfamiliar English sources, which allow seeing and understanding the nature of the food policy of the authorities in relation to fishery. The paper examines parliamentary statutes, royal proclamations, the acts of the Privy Council, The Victoria History of the Counties and other valuable documents.
Key words and phrases:
рыбная ловля
рыбная торговля
«рыбные дни»
«запрещенные дни»
fish trade
“fish days”
“forbidden days”
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  2. Тревельян Дж. М. Социальная история Англии. Обзор шести столетий от Чосера до королевы Виктории / пер. с англ. А. А. Крушинской и К. Н. Татариновой. Смоленск: Русич, 2005. 577 с.
  3. Great Britain. Privy Council. The Acts of Privy Council of England: 32 vols. / ed. J. R. Dasent. L.: Stat. Office, 1890-1950.
  4. Statutes of the Realm of England / ed. A. Luders, T. E. Tomplins. L., 1819. Vol. 4 of 11. 1275 p.
  5. Stuart Royal Proclamations: 2 vols. / ed. J. F. Larkin and P. L. Hughas. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1973, 1983. XXXIV, 679 p.; LVII, 1089 p.
  6. The Victoria History of the Counties of England / A History of Dorset. L., 1908. Vol. II. 370 p.
  7. The Victoria History of the Counties of England / A History of Berkshire. L., 1907. Vol. II. 353 p.
  8. The Victoria History of the Counties of England / A History of Essex. L., 1903. Vol. I. 598 p.
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