Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 10-2

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Vadim Viktorovich Bogmatsera
Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

Aleksandra Evgen'evna Taranova
Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

Irina Valer'evna Zaitseva
Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

Submitted: October 1, 2015
Abstract. A comparative analysis of the process of upbringing in the works of the Great Church Fathers of the IV century A.D. Athanasius of Alexandria and Basil the Great is for the first time conducted in the article. Reference to these personalities in historical science has been made only from the positions of their life and Christological activity. The authors come to the conclusion that the process of upbringing in the “period of the Great Church Fathers” was marked by a shallow, poorly systematized character, which is explained by the specificity of the time and the enhanced attention of the mentioned writers to the spiritual component of the population of the Roman Empire.
Key words and phrases:
раннее христианство
Афанасий Александрийский
Василий Великий
Великие Отцы Церкви
early Christianity
Athanasius of Alexandria
Basil the Great
Great Church Fathers
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