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Dmitrii Pavlovich Novikov
National Research University - Higher School of Economics
October 1, 2015
The article addresses the problem of the evolution of American foreign policy and ideology at the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century. In this period the first attempts of the systemic rethinking of the place and role of the USA in the world after almost the centenary domination of isolationism in the foreign-policy discourse of the country are observed. Such phenomenon of the social and political life of the USA of that time as jingoism, its ideological and theoretical foundations, and also the role in the transformation of American foreign-policy ideology at the beginning of the XX century are revealed.
Key words and phrases:
история США
внешняя политика США
идеологические течения США
международные отношения
американский изоляционизм
history of the USA
foreign policy of the USA
ideological trends of the USA
international relations
American isolationism
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