Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 11-3

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Anton Viktorovich Vasil'ev
Orenburg State Institute of Arts named after L. and M. Rostropovich

Nailya Kamilevna Samoilova
Orenburg State Institute of Arts named after L. and M. Rostropovich

Submitted: November 1, 2015
Abstract. In the article some peculiarities of the classical stage in the evolution of the piano trio genre are revealed. The genetic sources of the genre are considered, the main attention is paid to the works of J. Haydn, W. Mozart, L. van Beethoven. By the example of their chamber and instrumental creative work, through the comparative analysis of the works on special parameters, the conclusion containing evolutionary aspects, the individuality of interpretation and the composer’s writing is drawn. The authors focus on figurative content, cycle structure, the contrast of material, the peculiarities of timbre solution, the correlation between tutti and solo , and the penetration of concert characteristics in the ensemble works of these composers.
Key words and phrases:
фортепианное трио
образное содержание
структура цикла
контрастность материала
особенность тембрового решения
соотношение tutti и solo
проникновение черт концертности
piano trio
figurative content
cycle structure
contrast of material
peculiarity of timbre solution
correlation between tutti and solo
penetration of concert characteristics
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