Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 12-2

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Elena Yur'evna Vavilova
Yaroslavl State Technical University

Andrei Evgen'evich Smirnov
Yaroslavl State Technical University

Submitted: November 30, 2015
Abstract. The article examines the conceptions on moral choice and responsibility of a human being in the doctrine of Zoroastrianism. It vested a human with personal responsibility for the choice between good and evil in the universe: as the ontological confirmation of the status of one of the two primordial gods; by following or opposing socio-economic norms; with the coherent worldview as readiness to follow his/her moral choice throughout life. At the same time the responsibility of an individual is not discovered through experience, but is prescribed from outside by the religious and philosophical doctrine.
Key words and phrases:
нравственный выбор
добро и зло
moral choice
good and evil
human being
Hormazd, Ahriman
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