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Platon Aleksandrovich Subbotin
Saint-Petersburg State University
November 30, 2015
The article examines the place and functions of political elite in contemporary society. The definition of the formal and informal institutions of elite formation is given. Special attention is paid to the danger of informal institutionalization. Also the comparison of the formal and informal channels of the recruitment of political elites in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia of Eltsin’s and Putin’s periods is conducted. The institution of “personnel reserve” is considered in the paper as one of the ways of the optimization of the system of the recruitment of the political and administrative elite of our country and providing public authorities and local government with the team of highly qualified specialists. But the author is concerned about the fact that the attempts of the reformation and adjustment of the process of elite formation will contribute to the further strengthening of the vertical of power promoting the origination of the closure of the contemporary Russian political elite.
Key words and phrases:
политическая элита
функции элиты
механизмы формирования
формальные и неформальные институты
кадровый резерв
кадровая политика
political elite
functions of elite
formation mechanisms
formal and informal institutions
personnel reserve
elite formation
personnel policy
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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