Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2016. Issue 1

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Pavel Ramilevich Valishin
Siberian Federal University

Submitted: January 1, 2016
Abstract. In the article the topic related to the theoretical and methodological analysis of the notion “professionalism of the engineer” is actualized. Novelty in the author’s judgments is presented in the proposed model of the analysis of the correlation of the notions “professionalism of the engineer” and “professional autonomy of the engineer”. The concept “professional autonomy of the engineer” as competence is developed at the general methodological level of analysis. The achievements of the research are useful while drawing up professional-educational programs and the types of assessment means.
Key words and phrases:
профессионализм инженера
уровневый подход к понятию «профессионализм инженера»
профессиональная автономность как компетенция инженера
квалификационная аттестация
профессиональная социокультурная среда
professionalism of the engineer
level approach to the notion “professionalism of the engineer”
professional autonomy as the engineer’s competence
qualifying certification
professional socio-cultural environment
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