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Artem Evgen'evich Radeev
Saint Petersburg University
July 1, 2016
The article focuses on studying the basic philosophical conceptions of esthetic experience structure. For that purpose the author analyzes two basic structure models - phenomenological (by the example of R. Ingarden’s works) and analytical (by the example of M. Beardsley’s works) ones. In spite of the self-sufficiency of these models, their conceptions of esthetic experience structure have much in common. On this basis the author identifies foundations for the theoretical analysis of esthetic experience structure.
Key words and phrases:
эстетический опыт
Р. Ингарден
аналитическая философия
М. Бердсли
esthetic experience
R. Ingarden
analytic philosophy
M. Beardsley
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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