Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2016. Issue 11-1

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Konstantin Borisovich Petunin
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Submitted: November 1, 2016
Abstract. On the basis of new for the Russian historiography materials of the UK National Archives and verbatim reports of the British Parliament meetings the author analyzes the subject of Nazi Germany rearmament in the Parliament of Great Britain in the 1930s. In the article by the example of a number of meetings the evolution of the perception of the issue of Germany militarization in the British Parliament is traced, as well as the conclusion about the reluctance of the parliamentary majority to hinder the process of the Third Reich rearmament is made.
Key words and phrases:
Третий рейх
межвоенный период
вооруженные силы
The United Kingdom
The Third Reich
interwar period
armed forces
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  1. Выгодский С. Ю., Гонионский С. А., Горохов И. М. и др. История дипломатии: в 5-ти т. М., 1945. Т. 3. Дипломатия в период подготовки Второй мировой войны (1919-1939 гг.). 831 с.
  2. Черчилль У. Вторая мировая война: в 6-ти т. М.: Воениздат, 1991. Т. I. Надвигающаяся буря. 336 с.
  3. Chickering R. Great War, Total War: Combat and Mobilization on the Western Front, 1914-1918. Washington, D.C.: Cambridge University Press, 2006. 544 р.
  4. German Rearmament. 25 November 1935. C.P. 217 (35) // National Archives of Great Britain. Public Record Office. CAB 24/257/37.
  5. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 23 Mar. 1933. Vol. 276.
  6. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 29 Mar. 1933. Vol. 87.
  7. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 17 May 1933. Vol. 278.
  8. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 06 Dec. 1933. Vol. 283.
  9. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 17 Apr. 1934. Vol. 288.
  10. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 8 May 1934. Vol. 289.
  11. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 30 Jul. 1934. Vol. 292.
  12. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 28 Nov. 1934. Vol. 295.
  13. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 13 Mar. 1935. Vol. 301.
  14. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 29 Apr. 1935. Vol. 301.
  15. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 02 May 1935. Vol. 301.
  16. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 15 May 1935. Vol. 96.
  17. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 22 May 1935. Vol. 96.
  18. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 03 Mar. 1936. Vol. 309.
  19. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 29 Jul. 1936. Vol. 315.
  20. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 29 Oct. 1936. Vol. 320.
  21. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 25 Feb. 1937. Vol. 320.
  22. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 03 Mar. 1937. Vol. 104.
  23. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 21 Jun. 1938. Vol. 337.
  24. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 30 Mar. 1939. Vol. 345.
  25. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 25 Apr. 1939. Vol. 346.
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