Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2017. Issue 5

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Natal'ya Zinov'evna Alieva
Institute of Service and Business (Branch) of Don State Technical University in Shakhty

Elena Borisovna Ivushkina
Institute of Service and Business (Branch) of Don State Technical University in Shakhty

Submitted: May 1, 2017
Abstract. In the article the problem of studying the post-conflict knowledge with the help of appropriate models of science is revealed. Relevance of the research is connected with the change in interrelation between the world order and geopolitical confrontation accompanied by conflicts. Thereafter, there is a change in the paradigm and concept of conflictological knowledge conditioned by its nonlinear and unstable character. The authors focus on consideration of evolution of conflictological knowledge and its presentation in the context of the post-non-classical science, which is the novelty of this article.
Key words and phrases:
конфликтологическое знание
постнеклассическая наука
концепт конфликтологического знания
нелинейность конфликтов
самоорганизация конфликтов
conflictological knowledge
post-non-classical science
concept of conflictological knowledge
nonlinearity of conflicts
self-organization of conflicts
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