Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2017. Issue 8

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Elena Vital'evna Klyushina
Saint Petersburg University

Submitted: August 1, 2017
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of peculiarities of artistic design of the illustrated magazine “Gil Blas Illustré” published in France in the 1890s. The author sees her task in reconstructing chronology of this printed publication development, conducting its periodization, identifying features of stylistic development of each of the singled out stages. Special attention is paid to peculiarities of creative interaction of masters of different generations, who intersected at the time of work on the next issue of the magazine.
Key words and phrases:
belle époque
fin de siècle
Gil Blas Illustré
Le Mirliton
иллюстрированный журнал
Т.-А. Стейнлен
Аристид Брюан
французская пресса
illustrated magazine
Th. A. Steinlen
Aristide Bruant
French press
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  1. Bailly-Herzberg J. Dictionnaire de l’estampe en France. Paris, 1985. 384 p.
  2. Bellet R. Gil Blas & Gil Blas Illustré // Dictionnaire des Littératures de Langue Française / ed. by J.-P. de Beaumarchais, D. Couty et A. Rey. Paris: Bordas, 1984. Vol. 2. P. 813-814.
  3. Cate Ph. D. Prints Abound. Exhibition Catalogue. Washington - L., 2000. 183 p.
  4. Cate Ph. D. The Color Revolution. Color Lithography in France 1890-1900. Exhibition Catalogue. Boston, 1979. 132 p.
  5. Fourny-Dargère S. Téophile-Alexandre Steinlen et ses amis. Exhibition catalogue. Vernon, 1997. 134 p.
  6. Pluet-Despatin J., Leymarie M., Mollier J.-Y. La belle époque des revues. 1880-1914. Paris, 2008. 441 p.
  7. The Graphic Art and the French Society, 1871-1914 / ed. by Ph. D. Cate. N. Y., 1988. 194 p.
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