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Aleksandr Yur'evich Ryaposov
Russian Institute of Art History
December 1, 2017
The article is devoted to the study of the poetics of Zakharov’s film “To Kill a Dragon”, primarily to the analysis of the director’s plot of the film and the methods of its composition. It is shown that the plot of the movie is within the framework of the meta-story that unites such works of M. A. Zakharov as “An Ordinary Miracle”, “The Very Same Munchhausen”, “The House That Swift Built” and “Formula of Love”, ascending to the plot of “playing God”. The author carries out the analysis of the film structure and the clarification of the cutting and musical principles of the action composition. The genre nature of the movie is studied; the relationship of genre parameters of the listed Zakharov’s films and works of “literature of the lost generation” is also shown. The place and role of this film are considered among Zakharov’s other works on television and in the cinema.
Key words and phrases:
М. А. Захаров
Е. Л. Шварц
«Убить дракона»
режиссерский сюжет
приемы сложения сюжета
M. A. Zakharov
E. L. Schwartz
“To Kill a Dragon”
director’s plot
methods of plot composition
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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