Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2017. Issue 12-5

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Aleksandr Mikhailovich Ermakov
State University of Humanities and Social Studies

Submitted: December 1, 2017
Abstract. The article examines the features of the activity, problems and main results of the work of the provincial administrative apparatus for carrying out the agrarian reform of P. A. Stolypin in the territory of the Moscow province. The author focuses on the organizational arrangements of the regional administration aimed at creating advisory bodies on issues of land management, in particular, on holding congresses of zemstvo chiefs. The attitude of the government to the activity of the provincial administration is shown.
Key words and phrases:
губернская администрация
столыпинская аграрная реформа
съезд земских начальников
землеустроительные комиссии
Московская губерния
provincial administration
Stolypin agrarian reform
Congress of Zemstvo Chiefs
land management
land management committees
Moscow province
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