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Aleksandr Vasil'evich Kutishchev
Ural State University of Railway Transport
May 28, 2018
The article studies the inner world of the professional armies of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The focus is on desertion as inherent “evil”, a negative feature of the army corporate community. At the same time, it is viewed as a part of the cultural and civilizational continuum, which reflects class morality and national mentality, spiritual priorities and behavioral stereotypes, folk traditions and customs. Through the phenomenon of desertion, the author compares the cultural and mental imagery of the Russian world and the European society in the period of late feudalism.
Key words and phrases:
армии позднефеодальной Европы
российская армия
причины дезертирства
ордонансы Людовика XIV
указы Петра Великого
культурный феномен дезертирства
цивилизационные истоки дезертирства
факторы дезертирства
armies of late feudal Europe
the Russian army
reasons for desertion
ordinances of Louis XIV
decrees of Peter the Great
cultural phenomenon of desertion
civilization origins of desertion
factors of desertion
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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