Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2018. Issue 4
COLLECTION:    Art Criticism

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Elena Alekseevna Dorogina
Radishchev State Art Museum in Saratov; Saratov State Conservatoire

Submitted: May 28, 2018
Abstract. For the first time the article reveals the signs of “the third way” in Saratov fine arts of the 1930-1940s by the example of the creative work of I. N. Shcheglov. The author investigates the “root system” of the master’s art, analyzes the features of his pictorial method. It is substantiated that the artist’s creativity in terms of his figurative and stylistic characteristics can be attributed to the direction of pictorial realism. The paper shows how the art of “the third way” manifests itself in the period of the cultural climate toughening in the country and how this affects the creative and biographical levels of the artist’s life.
Key words and phrases:
«третий путь»
живописный реализм
Иван Никитич Щеглов (1882-1962)
“the third way”
pictorial realism
socialist realism
Ivan Nikitich Shcheglov (1882-1962)
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