Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2018. Issue 8
COLLECTION:    History

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Kristina Alekseevna Kilyashova
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Submitted: August 30, 2018
Abstract. The article deals with the issue of the occurrence and use of the queen title in Ancient Macedonia. Significant attention is paid to the interrelation between the official use of the king and queen titles with the development of the monarchy institution. The plots of ancient authors and their understanding of this term in relation to the women of the Argead dynasty are analyzed. The epigraphic evidence of the title official use is given, the views of historians having studied the etymology of the term are revealed. It is stated that the title did not determine duties, but confirmed the high status of its holder and was closely related to the consolidation of dynastic legitimacy. The widespread use of the title by the women of Hellenistic states is noted.
Key words and phrases:
Александр Македонский
the Argeads
Alexander III of Macedon
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