Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2018. Issue 11-1
COLLECTION:    Philosophy

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Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Shcherbakov
Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Submitted: November 30, 2018
Abstract. In the article, the notions “the past” and “historical reality” are compared in order to identify the general and the different in their meanings. The definitions of these notions are given. The comparison between the ontological characteristics of the historical past and the past of the material nature is made. The author substantiates the idea that to consider historical reality existing as a process of society development as only the past is incorrect. The ontological integrity of the historical process, combining synthetically the past, the present and the future of its stages, is shown. It is concluded that the human being and society always exist historically in their present, and they do not become a part of historical reality when they recede into the past.
Key words and phrases:
историческая реальность
the past
historical reality
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