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Leonid Vladimirovich Sidorenko
Saint Petersburg University
Nina Eduardovna Adamova
Saint Petersburg University
Yuliya Igorevna Kuznetsova
Saint Petersburg University
January 10, 2019
The article examines the interrelation between the problem of the British electoral system modernization and the Glorious Revolution outcomes represented in the new social arrangement. The authors identify the changes in the attitude of the English party and political elite to the system of representation and analyse the formation of conditions for the electoral reform. The paper focuses on the following issue: what factors promoted the erosion of the electoral system established after the Glorious Revolution, thus making the reform of 1832 inevitable.
Key words and phrases:
Славная революция
Великая реформа 1832 г
концепция фактического представительства
аристократический принцип
The Glorious Revolution
The Great Reform of 1832
conception of factual representation
aristocratic principle
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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