Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2019. Volume 12. Issue 3
COLLECTION:    Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture

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Sergei Vladimirovich Ryapolov
Voronezh State University

Submitted: March 10, 2019
Abstract. The article discusses the philosophical doctrine of a human by the archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church Father Feofan (Avsenev). Father Feofan (Avsenev) has created an original philosophical system on the issue of a human. A human, according to the philosopher’s thought, has a complex, hierarchically built structure. By his body composition, he is associated with the inorganic kingdom, by plant functions - with the plant kingdom, and by earthly inclinations and soul abilities - with animals. Spirit crowns the hierarchy, the essence of which is incessant pursuit of the God. Platonic motives in Father Feofan’s (Avsenev) philosophy are of great interest not only as a distinctive direction of the Platonism philosophy, but also in the context of the formation of the original Russian religious-philosophical thought. But, unfortunately, Father Feofan’s (Avsenev) original philosophical system is not studied well enough and can be attributed to a number of “gaps” in the history of the Russian philosophy.
Key words and phrases:
философская антропология
русская религиозная философия
Киевская философская школа
русский платонизм
philosophical anthropology
Russian religious philosophy
Kiev Philosophy School
Russian Platonism
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