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Description of European Russia and Siberia in the Geographical Work “Yochi Shiryaku” by Uchida Masao
Anna Borisovna Sharova
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
January 31, 2020
The article analyses the description of European Russia and Siberia in the geographical work “Yochi Shiryaku” (“A Survey of the World”, 1871-1880) by the Japanese scientist-westerner of the first half of the XIX century Uchida Masao (1839-1876). The geographical work “Yochi Shiryaku” is considered the first spacious encyclopaedia of the world geography published in Meiji period (1868-1912). In 1855, diplomatic relations with the Russian Empire were established, and Japan, located in the immediate vicinity of the Russian border, apparently showed a special interest in the neighbouring country. The author aims to analyse the representation of the Empire’s image in the geographical work “Yochi Shiryaku”.
Key words and phrases:
Утида Масао
«Ёти сиряку»
эпоха Мэйдзи
Европейская часть России
Uchida Masao
“Yochi Shiryaku”
Meiji period
European Russia
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