Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2020. Volume 13. Issue 2
COLLECTION:    Theory and History of Art

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Musical Instruments of Cham Mystery

Aryuna Arsalanovna Zhigmitova
Russian Institute of Art History

Submitted: March 6, 2020
Abstract. The article examines musical instruments used in Cham mystery - a kind of the Buddhist worship. The Tibetan music has ancient roots and, being a religious phenomenon, is characterized by conservatism and stability. Cham mystery is a masked dance requiring special plastique of a body and hands and accompanied by peculiar music of the unique Lamaist orchestra. Such issues as functions of musical accompaniment, correlation of certain instruments and leitmotivs with personages are considered; the author provides information about archaic musical instruments of the Lamaist orchestra, identifies instruments borrowed from the traditional Buryat culture.
Key words and phrases:
мистерия Цам
танцы в масках
тибетская музыка
буддийские инструменты
музыка Цам
культура бурят
Cham mystery
masked dances
Tibetan music
Buddhist instruments
Cham music
Buryat culture
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