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Social and Spiritual Prerequisites for Transformation of the Russian Culture in the Silver Age
Yuliya Vadimovna Goncharova
Voronezh State University
March 31, 2020
This article examines the process of transformation of spiritual guidelines of the Russian culture in the Silver Age (turn of the XIX-XX centuries). The author believes that abolition of serfdom in 1861 and subsequent social metamorphoses led to disintegration of the Russian society. As a result, old spiritual guidelines had lost their relevance. But the Silver Age culture that replaced the classical one was initially focused on an individual detached from any social group and deprived of sociality. The paper examines the basic philosophical conceptions of the Silver Age and the social factors that contributed to their formation.
Key words and phrases:
Серебряный век
трансформация нравственных установок
философия «всеединства»
религиозный экзистенциализм
«духовный ренессанс»
Silver Age
transformation of ethical attitudes
philosophy of all-unity
religious existentialism
“spiritual Renaissance”
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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