Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2020. Volume 13. Issue 3
COLLECTION:    Musical Art

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Relevant Trends of Clarinet Performance Development in the XX Century

Yang Liu
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Submitted: March 31, 2020
Abstract. The article traces evolution of the XX-century clarinet music. The paper focuses on studying figurative and artistic spheres established in clarinet music. By the example of compositions by L. Berio, C. Debussy, G. Connesson, A. Copland et al. the author shows that figurative and artistic sphere of virtuosic performance undergoes transformation due to extension of figurative and artistic functions of the sphere of motoricity and due to the introduction of theatricalization techniques that often anticipated discoveries of the XXI-century music.
Key words and phrases:
музыкальное исполнительство на кларнете
образно-художественные сферы
традиционные и нетрадиционные техники исполнения
камерно-инструментальная музыка
виртуозное соло
характерная роль
голос лирического излияния
clarinet performance
figurative and artistic spheres
traditional and non-traditional performance techniques
chamber instrumental music
virtuosic solo
character role
lyrical voice
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