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Two Minor Inscriptions on the Facade of Pisa Cathedral (Duomo di Pisa): Reinterpretation of Epigraphic Monuments
Dmitry Vadimovich Valkov
Lomonosov Moscow State University
November 30, 2020
The article introduces a new interpretation of inscriptions on Pisa Cathedral facade. The author’s interpretation differs from commonly adopted interpretations developed by the West European researchers in special source study works and in general works on art history. The paper presents results of studying minor inscriptions on Pisa Cathedral facade, basically associated with the spacious necropolis apud Domum, which existed till the XIV century. Scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time in domestic medieval studies, the author introduces two minor inscriptions of the XII century (an element of Pisa Cathedral epigraphy) into scientific circulation, which are important both for understanding the epigraphic tradition development in the Northern Apennine region in the XIII-XV centuries, as well as for understanding political discourse and, more generally, ideology of urban communities and instruments of its realization. The research findings are as follows: the author introduces a new interpretation of a certain element of Lanberti’s epitaph, proposes a new interpretation of decorative composition with an anthropomorphic figure, reconsiders general value of this epigraphic monument, examines the place of the analysed monuments in the epigraphic tradition of the Northern Apennine region, identifies their historical value.
Key words and phrases:
собор Санта-Мария Ассунта
малые надписи
средневековая европейская эпиграфика
Pisa Cathedral (Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta)
minor inscriptions
European medieval epigraphy
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