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The Hasmonean State in the Modern Russian Historiography (1991-2020)
Mikhail Nikolaevich Karanaev
Nizhnekamsk Institute of Chemistry and Technology
February 10, 2021
The paper aims to reveal views of the Russian historians of 1991-2020 on the Hasmonean state. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author for the first time provides a historiographical analysis of the problem. The researcher’s attention is focused on the following issues: causes of the Maccabean Revolt and influence of the Hellenistic tradition on the Hasmonean state. In fact, most scientists agree on the following points: the Maccabean Revolt was provoked by the harsh anti-Jewish policy of Antiochus IV Epiphanes; the Jewish statehood was based on the Hellenistic model with influence of the local tradition. The researcher concludes on the necessity to create a fundamental work on the history of Judea of the II-I centuries B.C.
Key words and phrases:
государство Хасмонеев
Hasmonean state
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