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“Escape from Freedom” as Universal Method of Historical Experience Understanding (in the Context of the European Society of the XX Century and the Late Antique Society)
Dmitriy Germanovich Kukarnikov
Voronezh State University
March 15, 2021
The paper aims to identify universal and historically specific features of the socio-philosophical phenomenon “escape from freedom” discovered by Erich Fromm. The study is based on a comparative analysis of the individual’s status in the West European society of the first half of the XX century and in the late antique society. Scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that the author considers possibility of applying E. Fromm’s conception of freedom to analyse historical experience, so as to achieve better understanding of the past. The article for the first time reveals correlation of “escape from freedom” mechanisms, historical and cultural realia of the late antiquity epoch. The conducted research allows concluding that “escape from freedom” is a universal method of historical experience understanding. It is shown that the “escape from freedom” phenomenon originates in any historical and cultural situation, if political and economic mechanisms deprive a person of their own free will.
Key words and phrases:
«бегство от свободы»
Римская империя
"escape from freedom"
The Roman Empire
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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