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Specificity of Making, Existence and Development of Woodwind (Whistle) Instruments of the Russian Folklore Tradition in the Kuzbass Region
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Solov'ev
Kemerovo State Institute of Culture
Irina Vital'evna Solov'eva
Kemerovo State Institute of Culture
May 31, 2021
The article aims to substantiate forms and methods of introducing various types of flutes into folklore environment and educational groups of the Kuzbass region. Scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that the authors analyse the process of making musical instruments in detail, giving credit to the materials used. The authors’ version of breathing and articulation techniques is described. A maker’s advice is also important for teachers and directors of musical ensembles. The attained results have shown that the use of the studied whistle musical instruments in concert practice of the Kuzbass region proves effectiveness of the approach to reconstruction and modernisation of instruments of the Russian folk tradition in the modern era.
Key words and phrases:
духовой инструмент
звуковой канал
свистковое устройство
woodwind instrument
whistle mouthpiece
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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