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PR Technologies in Modern Theatre: Russian Experience
Viktoriya Borisovna Volkova
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
September 30, 2021
The research aims to consider non-traditional PR technologies in modern theatre and to identify peculiarities of their use. The article determines the importance of theatrical PR activities making it possible to apply a systematic approach in establishing an institution’s communications with various target groups, which meets the realities of the time and is an important criterion for successful activities of a theatre. Scientific novelty of the research lies in examining the Russian experience of using PR technologies in the field of culture. As a result, it has been proved that PR, being an activity aimed at establishing successful communication channels with the population, provides opportunities for institutions to study, learn, predict consumers’ opinion about a product or a service and manage it. This activity, in case of a positive outcome, allows theatres to retain the existing audience and attract a new one for the successful promotion and sale of a cultural product.
Key words and phrases:
современный театр
связи с общественностью
культурный продукт
PR technologies
modern theatre
public relations
cultural product
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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