Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 3
COLLECTION:    Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies

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Comparative analysis of the soteriological concepts of St. Augustine and John Cassian the Roman

Artur Romanovich Antonyan
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

Submitted: August 21, 2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to show the points of contact, as well as significant discrepancies between the soteriological systems of the Marseille Abbot John Cassian the Roman and the Hippo Bishop St. Augustine, pointing to the source of the origin of the Cassian doctrines. The article presents the doctrine of salvation of the outstanding ascetic author of the fifth century John Cassian the Roman, which in a number of points comes into direct contradiction with the late soteriological constructions of the famous Christian thinker of the Western Church – Aurelius Augustine. Using the example of Cassian's theological postulates, the criticism of Augustine's most controversial ideas is revealed, which were reflected in his concepts of the complete impotence of the human will, as well as in the doctrine of selective salvation. Scientific novelty: the author clearly shows the features of John Cassian's theological system, pointing out that it was formed under the influence of the Eastern monastic tradition and is a creative continuation of this particular system of thought. As you know, in the treatises of Western thinkers, Cassian's doctrine of salvation was mistakenly called semi-Pelagianism for a long time, i.e. a kind of continuation of the Pelagian heresy. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the criticism made by Cassian against the theology of Augustine was not a consequence of the Pelagian or semi-Pelagian views of the abbot of Marseille. Arguing with Augustine, Cassian does not side with his opponent, Pelagius. Cassian's soteriology has its origins in the ascetic experience of monastic life in the Eastern Christian tradition, which, as is known, was formed outside the context of the Western dispute about free will and predestination. Cassian draws inspiration for his future theological constructions in the monasteries of Palestine and Egypt, in which he lived for a long time before he went to Massilia (Marseille). Therefore, the author believes that the approach to studying Cassian's teachings that has been used in Western theological scholarship for centuries is flawed. According to this approach, Cassian's soteriology must be examined through the lens of the Pelagian controversy. However, the author argues that this approach is incorrect.
Key words and phrases:
свобода воли
христианское спасение
христианская антропология
латинское богословие
божественное предопределение
free will
Christian salvation
Christian anthropology
Latin theology
divine predestination
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