Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 4
COLLECTION:    Social and Political Philosophy

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Reflection of social norms, moral ideals and gender dispositions of Premodern society in the medieval chivalric romance

Igor Spartakovich Baklanov
North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol

Nikita Mikhailovich Kuchugura
North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol

Submitted: November 5, 2024
Abstract. The work aims to study the medieval chivalric romance from a socio-philosophical perspective. The chivalric romance was a rather special trend in the literary movements of Western Europe in the 12th century, when everything that was not written in Latin was declared “vulgar”, that is, common folk. The chivalric novel reflects religious norms, moral ideals and gender dispositions of medieval society as a Premodern society. Due to the reflective focus of the literary genre of that time, the chivalric novel as its most striking example absorbed the concepts of previous philosophical and religious movements into its narrative and ethical principles. This paper examines the influence of the principles of Christian faith and Neoplatonism in the construction of the narrative tendencies of the chivalric novel and studies the social environment of chivalry and its influence on subsequent trends in the development of Western society. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that as a result of the conducted research, the chivalric romance, reflecting the life of medieval society, appears as a special socio-cultural phenomenon, representing in its essence the normative, value and ideological characteristics, as well as gender and socio-cultural practices of the era.
Key words and phrases:
рыцарский роман
культ Прекрасной Дамы
Middle Ages
chivalric romance
cult of the fair lady
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