Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 4
COLLECTION:    Theory and history of Culture and Art

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Mysterious Roman catacombs: The study of early Christian burials and faith symbols

Maria Strenacikova Sr.
Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

Maria Strenacikova Jr.
Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

Submitted: December 4, 2024
Abstract. The ancient Roman catacombs are an integral part of the history of Christianity. They are fascinating buildings that attract people’s attention even today. In ancient Rome, they served as underground Christian cemeteries, where Christians buried their dead, and also prayed, confessed their faith, read biblical texts, etc. On graves and walls, early Christians placed symbols, epitaphs, short messages and paintings related to their faith. The preserved symbols are considered a compendium of faith, a summary of Christian truths and a miniature gospel. The most numerous symbols include fish, the monogram of Christ, and the symbol of Alpha and Omega. The most famous Roman Christian catacombs are the Catacombs of St. Callixtus built during the 2nd half of the 2nd century, the Catacombs of St. Sebastian outside the Walls, where only Christians were buried since the 3rd century, the Catacombs of St. Priscilla or Catacombs of St. Domitilla. Despite the intensive research already done, the Roman catacombs still provide important research material for archaeologists, historians and theologians, as they offer an invaluable insight into the religious and social dynamics of ancient Rome. Even now, they hide a lot of valuable information and testimonies waiting to be revealed.
Key words and phrases:
Древний Рим
христианские катакомбы
раннее христианство
символы христианской веры
Ancient Rome
Christian catacombs
early Christianity
symbols of Christian faith
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