Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pan-Art. 2022. Volume 2. Issue 4
COLLECTION:    Musical Arts

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Vectors of Artistic Interpretations of the Theme “Seasons” in the Choral Music of the XX century: By the Example of A. Kiselyov’s and V. Khodosh’s Works

Elena Aleksandrovna Popova
Art School № 3; Tambov State Musical-Pedagogical Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninoff, Tambov

Submitted: October 30, 2022
Abstract. The evolution of the theme of the seasons in Russian choral music is closely linked to the processes that characterised the development of the genre of an a cappella choral miniature at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The aim of the paper is to consider the themes related to the seasons in choral genres at the present stage of their development. Scientific novelty lies in choosing A. Kiselyov’s and V. Khodosh’s works as the research material. As a result of considering two vivid embodiments of the theme “Seasons” in the choral music of the XX century, their poetic sources, analysing the stylistic features, as well as the features peculiar to the creative worldview of the cycles’ creators A. Kiselyov and V. Khodosh, the author identifies two main vectors in the depiction of this imaginative sphere, the neo-folklore vector and the lyric-psychological one.
Key words and phrases:
тема времён года
русская хоровая музыка
хоровая миниатюра
А. Киселёв
В. Ходош
theme of the seasons
Russian choral music
choral miniature
A. Kiselyov
V. Khodosh
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