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Tajik National Composer School: The Stage of Restoration and Identification of Development Paths
Marina Nikolaevna Drozhzhina
Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after M. I. Glinka
January 10, 2023
The aim of the research is to comprehend the cause-and-effect relationships and formulate conclusions about the prospects for the development of the Tajik national composer school. The paper presents the most difficult stage in the history of the Tajik national composer school, which was mainly due to the circumstances external to it, i.e. getting into the epicenter of the upheavals that engulfed the post-Soviet cultural space in the late XX century. It is determined that a balance of two types of musical professionalism – oral (traditional) and written (a composer’s) – is necessary for the development of the system of Tajik national musical culture. As a result of the research, it has been concluded that the full functioning of the Tajik national composer school requires the development of several areas in its activities: democratic genres (song genre, popular genre, musical drama), compositions for the orchestra of folk instruments, academic music. The main features of the Mongolian musical drama have been identified: direct continuity in the sphere of national traditions associated with the performing arts; reliance on folk melodiousness; position between two types of musical thinking – monodic and polyphonic.
Key words and phrases:
таджикская национальная композиторская школа
музыкальный профессионализм
демократические музыкальные жанры
академическая музыка
монгольская музыкальная драма
Tajik national composer school
musical professionalism
democratic musical genres
academic music
Mongolian musical drama
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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