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Stylistic singularity of O. A. Moralev’s oeuvre
Natal’ya Vladimirovna Korolevskaya
Sobinov Saratov State Conservatoire
July 14, 2023
The paper considers the family tree and creative work of the famous Saratov composer Oleg Arkadyevich Moralev (1922-2002). The aim of the study is to identify the stylistic singularity of O. A. Moralev’s oeuvre created in Saratov. The scientific novelty of the study lies in highlighting the features of the composer as a traditionalist artist in opposition to the ultramodern trends in the musical art of the XX century, as well as in opposition to the classical traditions of composers’ creative work. As a result of the study, having analysed in detail such significant works by O. A. Moralev as the vocal cycle “Rereading Alexander Blok”, “Monologues, Scenes and Duets”, Symphony No. 3, the author concludes that in opposition to the radical innovations of the musical art of the XX century, the composer’s creative work acquires a special ethical beauty as a mission of preserving tradition, where music remains “the art of intoned meaning”.
Key words and phrases:
О. А. Моралёв
родословная композитора
Ф. И. Шаляпин
вокальный цикл «Перечитывая Александра Блока»
произведение «Монологи, сцены и дуэты»
Третья симфония
O. A. Moralev
composer’s family tree
F. I. Chaliapin
vocal cycle “Rereading Alexander Blok”
work “Monologues, Scenes and Duets”
Symphony No. 3
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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