Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. 2018. Issue 3
COLLECTION:    Pedagogy

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Ol’ga Vladimirovna Velichkina
Krasnodar State Institute of Culture

Submitted: October 20, 2018
Abstract. The article deals with the pedagogical problem of the practice-oriented training of the future TV producer. The paper substantiates the necessity of the actualization of the professional competences of specialists in the field of television as a dynamically developing sector under the influence of the elaboration of new broadcasting technologies, the development of Internet resources, social media. It is proposed to work out training programs for universities together with TV companies-employers in order to overcome imbalance in the activity of vocational education and employers, taking into account new Federal State Educational Standards 3++. The author gives the results of a survey of regional and federal TV channels’ employees to identify professional requirements for TV producers.
Key words and phrases:
продюсер телевидения
практико-ориентированное образование
организационно-творческая деятельность
профессиональные навыки
педагогическая модель
высшее образование
средства массовой информации
TV producer
practice-oriented education
organizational and creative activity
professional skills
pedagogical model
higher education
mass media
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