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Dynamics of Academic Motivation and Professional Choice Motivation among Students of Linguo-Didactic Training Programmes
Lidiia Alexandrovna Atlanova
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Alexey Alexandrovich Korenev
Lomonosov Moscow State University
March 10, 2021
The purpose of the research is to determine the current level of academic motivation of students - future foreign language teachers, to examine dynamics of academic motivation throughout years of study. The article presents the research findings and the factors that affect academic motivation of students of linguo-didactic training programmes. Scientific novelty of the work lies in examining the dynamic aspect peculiar to motivation of students of linguo-didactic training programmes. The research findings reveal a drop in academic motivation of students - future foreign language teachers as they approach their final years of study.
Key words and phrases:
учебная мотивация
мотивация профессионального выбора
студенты лингводидактических направлений подготовки
динамический аспект мотивации
academic motivation
professional choice motivation
students of linguo-didactic training programmes
dynamic aspect of motivation
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