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Legal Writing as Legal Analysis Tool in the Anglo-Saxon Legal Culture When Teaching Law Students
Darya Viktorovna Aleynikova
Moscow State Linguistic University
June 30, 2021
The study aims to consider a legal communication technique - legal writing - as an analysis tool in the Anglo-Saxon legal culture and the possibility of implementing the legal writing technique at the advanced stage of professional development when teaching law students cross-cultural professional communication. The article describes in detail the legal writing system in the countries of the Anglo-Saxon legal culture, considers one of the models of written legal communication (IRAC) which is typical of the Anglo-Saxon countries. The article is novel in that it is the first to make a case for methodological feasibility of implementing the IRAC model in the process of training law students for cross-cultural professional communication. As a result, the author has proposed to integrate the Anglo-Saxon model of legal writing, IRAC, into educational process, which will open up new opportunities for the professional linguistic personality development within a foreign language course.
Key words and phrases:
инструмент юридического анализа
англосаксонская правовая культура
обучение юристов
техника юридической коммуникации
межкультурное профессиональное общение
legal analysis tool
Anglo-Saxon legal culture
teaching law students
teaching law students
legal communication technique
legal writing
crosscultural professional communication
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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