Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. 2021. Volume 6. Issue 6
COLLECTION:    Theory and Methods of Vocational Education

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Features of Certification of Students of Artistic and Creative Directions of Training in the Context of Digital Distance Learning

Svetlana Borisovna Solomentseva
Bunin Yelets State University

Submitted: December 28, 2021
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the main features of online certification of students in artistic and creative directions of training. The article presents the characteristic features of the process of remote verification of the knowledge quality, the principles of creating a target group of students and the development of test questionnaires. The features of students’ digital certification in disciplines of the artistic direction are given; the ways of solving the problems discovered during the study are outlined. The scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author for the first time carries out a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of certification forms in the theoretical and practical parts of art disciplines, implemented by the Department of Design, Art Education and Technology of Bunin Yelets State University in the context of distance learning. As a result, it has been revealed that the possibility of checking the quality of knowledge in the practical part of the disciplines is objectively lower than in the theoretical one. The most preferable forms of certification, their distinctive features, strengths and weaknesses have been determined.
Key words and phrases:
аттестация студентов
художественно-творческие направления подготовки
цифровое дистанционное обучение
качество знаний
student certification
artistic and creative directions of training
digital distance learning
quality of knowledge
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