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Environmental Literacy Development among 5th-9th-Grade Students Based on the Content of Textbooks on the Native (Udmurt) Language
Ksenia Georgievna Kostina
Scientific Research Institute of National Education of Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk
November 21, 2022
The study aims to determine the possibilities and features of environmental education of 5th-9th-grade students in the “Native (Udmurt) Language” subject. The paper substantiates the need for environmental education within the framework of native language learning, identifies the environmental content of textbooks on the Udmurt language. Scientific novelty of the study lies in determining the conditions for ecological culture formation among students in terms of learning the native (Udmurt) language during the curricular and extracurricular activities. As a result, it has been proved that the content of the “Native (Udmurt) Language” subject and extracurricular activities of an educational organisation allow for functional environmental literacy formation among 5th-9th-grade students within the framework of native language learning.
Key words and phrases:
экологическая грамотность учащихся
обучение родному языку
обучение удмуртскому языку
основное общее образование
междисциплинарный подход
environmental literacy of students
native language teaching
Udmurt language teaching
basic general education
interdisciplinary approach
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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