Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. 2022. Volume 7. Issue 11
COLLECTION:    Theory and Methods of Teaching and Upbringing

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Discursive Competence Formation among Language University Students in Foreign Language Practical Classes

Yulia Grigorjevna Davydova
Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics

Submitted: December 26, 2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to substantiate the need for discursive competence formation as an important component of communicative competence of language university students. The paper clarifies the component composition of communicative competence, studies the concept of discursive competence in linguodidactic research, describes the complex of knowledge, skills and abilities that are a part of discursive competence of language university students, offers a set of tasks aimed at discursive competence formation among students taking into account the above-mentioned theoretical provisions. Scientific novelty of the study lies in providing an integrative linguodidactic description of discursive competence of language university students and developing a set of exercises for its formation in foreign language practical classes. As a result of the study, the author defines the essence of the discursive component of students’ communicative competence and provides a set of linguistic, conditionally communicative and communicative tasks aimed at the formation of this competence.
Key words and phrases:
дискурсивная компетенция
технология формирования дискурсивной компетенции
компонентный состав коммуникативной компетенции
обучение иностранному языку
студенты языковых вузов
discursive competence
technology of discursive competence formation
component composition of communicative competence
foreign language teaching
language university students
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