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Discursive strategies of teachers training the Russian as a foreign language in correction of language anxiety of the Chinese students
Qiying Xie
Xi’an International Studies University; Southwest Petroleum University, Xi'an, Chengdu, The People’s Republic of China
March 31, 2023
The aim of the study is to prove the need of using discursive pedagogical strategies by a teacher training the Russian as a foreign language for reducing language anxiety of the Chinese students studying the Russian language. In the article, the notion of “language anxiety” has been discussed; the characteristics and the factors of cases of language anxiety of the Chinese students studying the Russian language in China have been analyzed. The scientific novelty consists in the definition of discursive pedagogical strategies aimed at reducing language anxiety among the Chinese students studying the Russian language in the communication process. As a result, the following discursive pedagogical strategies have been identified: the strategies reoriented from the traditional training method in China “teacher says, student listens” towards interactive classes; training based on the case study of the Russian as a foreign language; using non-verbal language for increasing the effect of interactivity of discursive strategies in classes of the Russian as a foreign language; using the native language by a teacher of the Russian as a foreign language and experience of the Chinese teacher of the Russian as a foreign language for correction of language anxiety among university students.
Key words and phrases:
дискурсивные стратегии преподавателей
обучение русскому языку как иностранному
коррекция языковой тревожности
китайские студенты
ситуационный контекст
дискурсивная стратегия интерактивности
discursive pedagogical strategies
training the Russian as a foreign language
correction of language anxiety
Chinese students
case context
discursive strategy of interactivity
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