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Features of function roles of brain hemispheres and teaching issues
Tatiana Grigorievna Vizel
Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis
May 19, 2023
The research is devoted to the discussion of the problem of the functional roles of brain hemispheres, hemispheric asymmetry profile and the dependence of success in teaching on these aspects. The paper describes the lateralization issues and the notions of right-brain and left-brain dominance in the realization of different psychiatric functions of a man. The special attention is given to the phenomenon of ambidexterity being least studied in the frames of the theory of interhemispheric brain asymmetry. The author sets up a hypothesis on brain hemispheres acquisition of the functional roles which are close to equipotentiality. It is stated that the various features of hemispheric asymmetry have to be taken into account when teaching children of different age.
Key words and phrases:
профиль полушарной асимметрии
правополушарное доминирование
левополушарное доминирование
profile of hemispheric asymmetry
right-brain dominance
left-brain dominance
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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